Electronic Waste

*****     E-Waste Policy:  Effective January 1, 2017, Updated 2023     *****

As part of this law, landfills will no longer be allowed to accept any electronic waste collected by the Town/Village of East Rochester at their disposal sites.

Examples of Electronic Waste (E-Waste) are: Computers (towers, laptops, PDA’s, Tablets), Monitors (CRT, LCD, LED), Printers, Scanners, Copiers, Fax machines, non CRT Televisions, VCR’s, CD/DVD players, Stereo equipment, Cell phones, Telephones and lamps.

All forms of E-Waste placed at the curb for collection for either regular pick or during bulk pick up, will incur a fee of $25.00 per item if collected by the Department of Public Works (DPW).

Items can be brought to the Department of Public Works Garage at 200 Ontario Street. Residents can contact the Department of Public Works to schedule a drop off time by calling B: 381-1565. Anyone dropping items without permission will be subject to fines based on the video surveillance cameras located on the property.

For a more detailed list of acceptable and non- acceptable items and for locations that will accept CRT televisions and monitors please visit: http://www.sunnking.com

Garfield Street Replacement Project

Published on Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Garfield Street Replacement Project

On Tuesday July 25th, 2023 the Town/Village of East Rochester held a Public Informational meeting in the Jean Daniel Community Center. The purpose of the meeting was to present the draft reconstruction plan for Garfield Street. This meeting was open to the public and all comments and feedback were welcome. There will no formal presentation, all information has been posted here on the web site.  

All pertinent documents relative to this project are available for your review below. Each document may be downloaded for your convenience by clicking on the desired document.

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