Tax credits available for converting multi-family dwellings into single-family.
The Town/Village of East Rochester has in effect a law which provides an incentive to owners of multi-family dwellings for converting those structures to single-family usage.
There are several multi-family dwellings in the Town/Village, generally rental property, which were originally built as single-family homes. The goal of the Town/Village Board is to incent as many property owners as possible to return these homes to their original single-family use. The results should have positive benefits to our greater community. Restoring those homes to single-family use results in a more valuable piece of property. Single-family homes in the Town/Village continue to appreciate in value, in most cases, at a higher rate than multi-family properties.
The owner of "de-converted" property under this incentive can select one of the following rebate options:
- An amount equal to the lesser of the property owner's actual Village tax bill or $1000.00 for a period of ten years following completion of the de-conversion of the subject property to a single-family dwelling; OR
- Payment of a lump sum of $10,000.00 upon completion of the de-conversion of the subject property to a single-family dwelling.
The text of the law can be found in the Town/Village of East Rochester Code Book, Chapter 170-18.2.
For more information, contact the Building Department at (585) 385-3513.