License Information and Fees



Handicap Parking Permit


*Must have an application completed by a physician.
*Must have a NYS DMV Driver's License or ID Card.

Tax Search


*Forward all requests to village offices. Make checks payable to " Village of East Rochester"

Dog License

Neutered and/or spayed


*Must have a rabies certificate.
*Must proof of neutered and/or spayed pet.

Unneutered and/or unspayed


*Must have a rabies certificate.

Marriage License


*Must have driver's license.
*Must have birth certificate.
*Must have divorce decree(s)/death certificate(s) if applicable.
*Applications must be submitted prior to 4pm, cash or check only.

East Rochester Sidewalk Construction & Replacement Program

East Rochester Sidewalk Construction & Replacement Program Read more

On Tuesday February 27th, 2024 the Town/Village of East Rochester and MRB Group will 
be hosting an informal Public Information Meeting. The meeting is open to residents to stop 
in at any time between 5:30pm to 8:00pm to ask questions with regards to the scope of the 

The meeting will be held in the Jean Daniel Community Center located on the 1st floor 
of the Eyer Building (317 Main Street, East Rochester, NY 14445). 

Documents to download

Garfield Street Replacement Project

Garfield Street Replacement Project Read more

On Tuesday July 25th, 2023 the Town/Village of East Rochester held a Public Informational meeting in the Jean Daniel Community Center. The purpose of the meeting was to present the draft reconstruction plan for Garfield Street. This meeting was open to the public and all comments and feedback were welcome. There will no formal presentation, all information has been posted here on the web site.  

Documents to download



On May 23, 1898, a group of businessmen from Despatch (as East Rochester was known until 1906) met at Branshaud’s Hall on East Commercial Street to set up the first fire department.  On May 29th, the first official meeting was held, and the Despatch Fire District was formed.  During subsequent meetings committees were formed to find estimates for needed equipment, as well as for property and a fire hall.  It was determined that $1800.00 was the amount needed to outfit this first department.  Equipment included:  one dozen rubber coats, boots, and helmets, a hose cart, an alarm bell, a ladder truck, and three chemical carts.  Needless to say, the first fire trucks were either pulled by horses or pulled by hand.

Select READ MORE for the full article on the East Rochester Volunteer Fire Department!



ATTENTION BUSINESS OWNERS: The East Rochester Fire Department needs you help!

The ER Fire Department is attempting to update over 200 business PRE-PLANS that are intended to be used in the event of an emergency. Information to be collected includes the Business Contact(s), a Site Plan, a reference to the locations of utilities and any exposure to risks.

You can help by completing an online form by clicking on ER Pre-Plan Form. Your response will benefit you in the event of a fire emergency and may save the lives of the firefighters responding to your business.

Need Recycling Information? There's an App for that!

Need Recycling Information? There's an App for that! Read more

Need to know what items are recyclable curbside in Monroe County?

Want to know what items are accepted at the Monroe County/Waste Management ecopark? 

Now, there’s an app for that. 


Hunting Licenses

Fees For Replacement Licenses

*The fee is $5 for any license privilege and $10 for each carcass tag set (i.e. lost Sportsman, Bow and Turkey licenses would cost the applicant $15 to replace and three license privileges and $30 to replace the three tag sets). A license with bundled items like the Super Sportsman can be replaced for $5 for the license and $10 for all the tags since they printed out as a set. Backtags are replaced at no cost.

License Type ~ Resident Fee
One Day Fishing $5
Seven Day Fishing $2
Fishing (Senior~70+/Military Disabled) $5
Fishing ~ Annual $25
Hunting $22
Hunting (Military/Disabled) $5
Bow Hunting $15
Senior Sportsman (70+) $10
Muzzle Loading $15
Turkey Permit $10
Trapping $16
Junior Trapping $6
Junior Hunting $5
Junior Bowhunting $9
License Type ~ Non Resident Fee
One Day Fishing $10
Seven Day Fishing $28
Fishing  ~ Season $50
Hunting (Small Game) $85
Big Game (Deer Only) $140
Super Sportsman (Small/Big Game, Fish, Muzzleloading, Bow & Turkey Permit) $250
Muzzleloading $140
Bowhunting $140
Bear Tag (Need Big Game, Bowhunting, Muzzleloading or Super Sportsman) $50
Turkey Permit $50
Trapping $310
License Type ~ Resident & Non-Resident Fee
Habitat Stamp (Donation to Habitat Account) $5
Conservation Patron (Conservationist & Habitat Stamp) $12
Conservationist (Subscription Only) $10
Lifetime Resident Sportsman License ~ Combined Hunting, Big Game, Turkey & Fishing Fee
For a Child ~ 0 to 4 years old $380
For a Child ~ 5 to 11 years old $535
For a Person ~ 12 to 64 years old $765
For a Person ~70+ $50
Lifetime Resident Licenses Fee
Hunting License (Small & Big Game) $350
Fishing License $460
Fishing License (70+ ) $65
Trapping License $395
Bowhunting License $235
Muzzleloading License $235

*Applicant must prove NYS residency for one year prior to application. Acceptable residency proofs are the same as for annual licenses with the exception of the one year requirement. When purchasing a lifetime license for a child, the purchaser must bring a copy of the child's birth certificate and a copy of the parent's residency proof.